Admissions Procedure
Saint Leo the Great Catholic School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. The school does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, or national and ethnic origin, in the administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship and assistance programs, and athletic and other school administered programs.
Priority is given to registered, active parishioners and to registered members of the surrounding Catholic parishes. An active parishioner is defined as one who participates in parish life by financial support of Saint Leo the Great Church, as well as giving beyond the required volunteer time to school and parish activities. The pastor will make the determination as to who qualifies as a parishioner.
We wish to make it clear that Saint Leo the Great Catholic School is not structured to accommodate students who demonstrate grade level deficiencies or behavioral problems. We do all in our power to recommend and/or schedule specialized testing where academic deficiencies may be caused by specific learning disabilities, and may assist in referrals for alternate school placement.
At all grade levels there will be a test, a classroom visit, and interview for students being considered for admission. Verification of birth date is required. Eligibility is also based upon the student’s previous academic effort and work, as well as the student’s conduct.
Acceptance into Pre-kindergarten and Kindergarten is determined on the basis of screening and testing for the student’s developmental maturity and readiness. Children applying for Pre-kindergarten must be age four (4) by September 1 of the coming academic year. Children applying for Kindergarten must be five (5) by September 1 of the coming academic year.
Student applications for the coming school year will be processed in a timely manner and notification to parents will take place no later than the end of May for test given in March.
The parent participation program is an integral part of the education process. Parents asked to read the participation policy and to weigh this commitment carefully. Please understand that participation is required if a child is to remain a student at Saint Leo the Great Catholic School.
Parents are expected to clearly understand the financial obligation which they assume when educating their child(ren) at Saint Leo the Great Catholic School. Parents are required to obtain, complete, and submit to the appropriate personnel volunteer hour slips as duties are performed.
All possible support will be given to new students in order to insure satisfactory adjustment into the school. However, all new students are accepted on one-year probationary status only. Students and parents who fail to follow school rules may be dismissed from Saint Leo the Great Catholic School to be determined at the sole discretion of the school. School personnel will determine if the current school programs meet the needs of the applicant.
Re-admission each academic year will be based on a student having received passing grades, and average or above average grades in effort and conduct, as well as families having met their obligations as outlined in the Tuition Contract.
If Saint Leo the Great Catholic School determines that the school cannot serve the student, the student cannot benefit from its programs, and/or due to uncooperative or destructive attitude of the student or parent/guardian and/or the disregard of school rules, Saint Leo the Great Catholic School maintains the right not to accept the student for continued enrollment.
The administration and faculty of Saint Leo the Great Catholic School wish to remind every family that this school cannot meet the needs of those students who demonstrate grade level deficiencies or behavioral problems.
Students clearly unable to profit from the school by reason of ability, serious emotional instability, uncooperative or destructive behavior, or the uncooperative or destructive attitude of parent / legal guardian will be asked to transfer when:
The school has explored means to meet the needs of the child;
There has been discussion with the parent / legal guardian concerning the child’s condition or the parent / legal guardian’s attitude; or
The final decision is made by the administration.