Core Curriculum
Curriculum Focus: Emphasizes skill development in a creative and practical way.
Key Areas: Problem solving, calculator skills, and application to other subjects and daily life.
Topics Covered: Critical thinking, number sense, and problem-solving strategies.
Goal: To foster spiritual growth and practice Christian values.
Approach: Introduces Catholic faith principles and encourages active participation in religious practices.
Additional Elements: Includes scripture study, prayer, moral development, Church history, and social justice activities.
Student Involvement: Monthly liturgical prayer services with active student participation.
Curriculum Focus: Encourages creativity and understanding of art principles.
Activities: Uses various media and integrates art into core projects.
Curriculum Focus: Includes physical and biological aspects of nature.
Key Areas: Health, nutrition, investigation, research, and experimentation.
Language arts / reading
Curriculum Focus: Begins with phonics and evolves to include various literary skills.
Reading Approaches: Oral, silent, individual, small group, and whole group reading.
Support: Teacher assistants help build a strong foundation in early grades.
Physical education
Curriculum Focus: Skill development and sportsmanship with a weekly P.E. program.
Events: Spring Science Fair participation for grades 1-8, and possible representation in the Diocese of Oakland Science Fair.
Note: Students need a doctor's note to be excused from P.E.
Social Studies
Curriculum Focus: Covers family, neighborhood, state, national, and world history.
Key Areas: Geography, history, politics, economics, and current events with historical context.
Skills Developed: Research and critical thinking skills.
Foreign Language
Language Taught: Spanish for grades Pre-K through 8th.
Approach: Conversational training to develop fluency and understanding of language structure.